ENS graduate degree

The ENS graduate degree is in line with the European general scheme of the “Bologna process” Bachelor – Master – Doctorate and stands for a master’s degree since 27 July 2015 by the order of the French Ministry of Higher education and Research.

The ENS graduate degree consists of a master’s degree and a complementary training at the ENS. Normaliens validate a national research-oriented master’s degree. This master’s discipline and speciality field define the “main speciality” mentioned on the diploma, representing at least 180 ECTS.

In parallel, normaliens undertake a complementary training representing 72 ECTS. These courses are dispensed or recognised by the ENS and are distributed during the academic career of students, which lasts 3 to 4 years according to the students’ status.

The ENS graduate degree (called DENS) is in line with the ENS project of training through research, which is customised and supervised and stands each year within the framework of the study programme. This programme indicates, throughout