Legislation and lawgiving: philosophical perspectives on antiquity

Conférence internationale

The purpose of this conference gathering scholars from Europe and North America is to offer new philosophical perspectives on lawgiving (the issuing or writing of real or imagined constitutions for specific peoples) and more generally on legislation in classical antiquity.
Legislation and lawgiving: philosophical perspectives on antiquity
Noël Coypel (1628 - 1707) Solon soutenant la justice de ses lois contre les objections des Athéniens

The aim is to cover as much historical ground as possible, taking into account a wide range of philosophical traditions, from the Presocratics to Hellenistic philosophers and late Neoplatonists, with a special focus on the different conceptions these traditions develop of the legislator, from a critical as well as positive point of view. Although Plato’s Republic and Laws are the subject of a particular focus during this conference, other key texts or traditions are considered such as the Dissoi logoi, Aristotle’s Politics, Cicero, the Stoics, the Sceptics and the Emperor Julian.




Monday, June 10th, salle Cavaillès

9.00 : Coffee and Welcome

9.15-10.45 : Philip Horky (Durham University), On Law, On Justice, On Law and Justice.
11.00-12.30 : Anders Dahl-Sorensen (Durham University), Law without politics: Anonymus Iamblichi (DK 89)

12.30-1.45 : Lunch 
1.45-3.15 : Susan Sauvé Meyer (University of Pennsylvania), Two questions about the rule of law in Plato
3.30-5.00 : Keynote lecture, Malcolm Schofield (University of Cambridge), How Plato composed the Laws

Followed by drinks at the Philosophy Department (or outside if weather permits)


Tuesday, June 11th, Salle Lettres 1 et 2 – Couloir Jaune – 2e étage Escalier B

9.15-10.45 : Anthony Bonnemaison (ENS Ulm), Dialegesthai and paranomia in Plato’s Republic
11.00-12.30 : René de Nicolay (Princeton University / ENS Ulm), On paranomia in the Laws

12.30-1.45: Buffet Lunch (Philosophy Department)

1.45-3.15 : Katja Vogt (Columbia University) (visio-conférence), The Stoic Conception of Law

8.00 : Conference dinner (Restaurant)


Wednesday, June 12th, Amphithéâtre Galois (Rataud) Immeuble NIR

9.15-10.45 : Myrthe Bartels (Durham University), Judging Character and Culpability: a Philosophical Perspective on Legislation in Plato's Laws?
11.00-12.30 : Mi-Kyoung Lee (University of Colorado at Boulder), Aristotle on Legislating for Virtue

12.30-1.45 : Buffet Lunch (Philosophy Department)

1.45-3.15 : Stéphane Marchand (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Que valent les lois pour un pyrrhonien ?
3.30-5.00 : Valentina Arena (University College London), The late Republican Antiquarians and Roman Law
5.15-6.45 : Dominic O’Meara (Université de Fribourg), Legislation and Legislator in the Philosophy of Julian the Emperor

Mis à jour le 6/6/2019